Reference and sample projects

Tenders for catering mandate – TECHNOPARK Immobilien AG

Analysis of and second opinion on the actual state of reconstruction planning. Specialist advice and conduct of tenders for contract catering during the renovation phase and an agreed contract term thereafter (two separate tenders). Lead the contract negotiations and generate the catering contract (all-in)

Customer/contracting body:
jlz deliverables:
  • Project support
  • Second opinion
  • Specialist advice
  • Tenders for contract catering
  • Operator models & contract models
  • Evaluation & judgement
  • Contract negotiations
  • Contract generation
Technopark Zuerich
Technopark Zuerich
Technopark Zuerich
Technopark Zuerich
Technopark Zuerich
Technopark Zuerich
Technopark Zuerich
Reference and sample projects